A modified Citrus Pectin. Pectin is a complex carbohydrate molecule found in most plants but especially citrus fruit. Pectin is used in making jellies and is an ingredient in some anti-diarrhea medicines. The long-chain molecule found in grocery store pectin is not absorbed by the body. Modified Citrus Pectin is made from shorter molecular chains and is readily absorbed from the intestinal tract. Pecta-Sol fights the spread of cancer by preventing or inhibiting metastases. Cancer cells are particularly susceptible to having Modified Citrus Pectin attach to them because of the nature of their cell membranes. Once the Modified Citrus Pectin has attached itself to the cancer cells floating in the blood stream, the cancer cells become coated and unable to attach themselves to the lining of blood vessels or other potential metastatic sites. This process can only occur in the bloodstream, hence the importance of allowing the short chained pectin to be absorbed by the body. It is often recommended to take this product with PCSpes.
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