Ozone therapy

Widely used in Europe for many years; Ozone (O3) is a highly active form of oxygen. Because it has powerful antiviral properties, it is also used in treating AIDS. In the body, ozone gives off O which kills viruses and bacteria. It also creates an oxygen-rich...

International BioCare Hospital

BioCare offers a wide array of non-invasive, highly effective, non-toxic treatments: Whole Body Hyperthermia, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Ozone, UV Blood Irradiation and other oxidative agents fight and kill cancer cells. Systemic support and autologous restorative factors...


The home of the Center for Integrative Medicine, is a modern full-service hospital located Tijuana. CHIPSA treats all forms of cancer and is one of the few places in the world where patients can receive the Coley’s Toxins modalities. They use a modified Gerson...