
The introduction of an small amounts of medicine into the body, a medicine chosen to be similar in nature to the problem the patient is having. Proven to be a popular and inexpensive treatment worldwide, it causes a “vaccination-like” response in the body....

Integrative Cancer Medicine

Integrative Cancer Medicine is about intelligently bringing together the best of modern allopathic medicine with the most innovative, effective, and well-researched therapies in natural medicineIntegrative Cancer Medicine is about intelligently bringing together the...

Dove Clinic

They tailor their tests and treatments to the individual. They may use Laetrile and Dendritic Cell Therapy to reduce tumor size, C-statin from bindweed for angiogenesis inhibition, homeopathy, diet and nutrition, autohemotherapy or intravenous ozone, acupuncture,...

Innovative Integrative Medicine

treats most forms of cancer, as well as treating chronic pain, immune dysfunction, allergies, and cardiovascular disease. The main therapies he uses includes: IPT therapy, chelation, bio-oxidative, nutrition, herbs, acupuncture, immune therapies, vitamin C, vaccines,...

Center for Well Being and Integrative Medicine Clinic

in Westlake Village is run by Dr. Norman Narchi. He has over 25 yrs. in practice Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, ADD combination of healing techniques and conventional practices. He often uses QiGong in his treatment protocols....